Monday, August 19, 2013

Las Dehasas Pool

The academy Ben and I are attending had a field trip this weekend to a pool in the mountains.
The mountains were significantly cooler than the city, and after a day out of the city, and out of the heat, we felt refreshed and spoiled.
It took us about two hours to get to the swimming pool. We took the train for an hour to Cercedilla, and then hiked for an hour up to the pool at Las Dehesas.

The scenery on the way to the pool was beautiful. They really reminded Ben and I of home in Colorado. The climate here is remarkably similar to home, and the pine forests, and dry ground look, sound, and smell like the mountains around Boulder. Though we're not homesick yet, I'm sure these mountains will come in handy as the year goes by.

The pool was amazing, the water was cold (a little too cold) and refreshing to swim in. There was an upper pool that cascaded into the lower pool both of which had shallow wading areas, and deep ends above both Ben and my heads. The view from the pool, the lawn where we ate a picnic, the beautiful partly cloudy day, all made for a perfect day out of the city.

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